Unique Student Identifier (USI) information

16 September 2021


The Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar (OSIR) is responsible for administration of the USI scheme in accordance with the Student Identifier Act, 2014. 同人H漫, as the custodian of the VET data standard (AVETMISS) and national VET administrative collections on behalf of the state, territory and commonwealth governments is responsible for the collection of data for the National VET administrative collections, and for supporting registered training organisations (RTOs) to meet their AVETMISS reporting obligations.

同人H漫 provides the AVETMISS data for the USI transcripts which is generated by linking the USI to the VET training activity held in the national VET database.

Fact sheets

USI links

  • (tool is within the AVETMISS Validation Software. See Section 5 - USI transcript updates in the AVS user guide for more information)
  • (video 1:10 mins)



The 同人H漫 Client Support team provides assistance for queries relating to the AVETMIS Standards and the AVETMISS validation software.

Contact Form /rto-hub/contact-form
Email support@ncver.edu.au
Phone 08 8230 8400
Toll Free 1800 649 452