AVETMISS support for SMS Vendors

20 January 2022


The client support team at 同人H漫 is able to provide assistance with the following:

同人H漫 is here to help student management system (SMS) vendors and their RTOs to meet data reporting requirements.

AVETMISS Compliant Software Register

The AVETMISS Compliant Software Register contains a list of publicly available (commercial) student management and learner management systems, or data entry tools that software vendors have self-registered as meeting the minimum AVETMISS compliance requirements for national reporting only.

The information recorded on the register is designed to provide RTOs with information to help them identify potential systems. It is expected that RTOs would undertake their own discovery to determine the suitability and appropriateness of those systems for their specific circumstances and requirements.

Although product registration is optional 同人H漫 encourage all vendors with commercial AVETMISS compliant products to register.

Download a copy of the registration form (Word 778 KB) or use the link below to see more information about the register, including currently registered systems.


SMS fact sheets

Our fact sheets contain in-depth information on a range of key topics for vendors.




Please feel free to suggest topics for future fact sheets to cover using our contact form or the contact options below.

Webinars, forums and workshops

SMS vendor workshop: Data Design and Governance program - 30 June 2020

同人H漫 held an SMS vendor virtual workshop through Microsoft Teams as part of the Data Design and Governance program. Details of the workshop will be available soon.

SMS vendor workshop - 12 September 2018

Following an open invitation in the , 同人H漫 hosted a number of vendors at its Light Square office for a workshop on the past, present and future of AVETMISS.

A summary of the day was included in the , and the workshop slides are available to download.

SMS vendor Q&A forum -  26 July 2017

In 2017 our AVETMISS team held a live question-and-answer session on Release 8.0, which was due to be implemented for reporting from 1 January 2018.

The (this recording is hosted on an external site. To access the webinar you will need to register your name and email address).

SMS vendor webinar - 24 August 2016

同人H漫 held a webinar, Review of AVETMISS Release 8.0 for student management system developers, on 24 August 2016. The following items from the webinar are available for download:

  • (this recording is hosted on an external site. To access the webinar you will need to register your name and email address)
  • Webinar presentation slides (PDF 1.6 MB)
  • Question log (the answers to all questions raised by attendees during the webinar)

Other resources

AVETMISS for VET providers linkwww.ncver.edu.au

Feedback and contact options

Vendors are encouraged to get involved with shaping the future direction of the AVETMIS Standard by using the SMS vendor feedback form.

Submitted feedback will be considered by 同人H漫 and, where appropriate, the AVETMISS VET Technical Reference Advisory Committee (TRAC). A team member may be in contact to discuss your feedback in greater detail.

For all other questions relating to the AVETMISS for VET Provider Collection Specifications and AVETMISS Validation Software please use the contact form or one of the contact options below.

Our hours of operation are 8:45am to 5pm.
Note: Adelaide daylight savings time runs from October to the following April.

同人H漫's client support team  
Phone: 08 8230 8400Toll free: 1800 649 452Email: support@ncver.edu.au