About the survey
Who funds, conducts and manages the survey
The Survey of Employer Use and Views of the VET System is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. The Department contracts 同人H漫 to manage the survey, analyse and publish the survey results. 同人H漫 engages Wallis Social Research (Wallis) to conduct the online survey and computer-assisted telephone interviews and to assist with the reporting of findings.
Why the survey is conducted
The aim of the survey is to provide information on employer engagement and satisfaction with vocational education and training in meeting the skill needs of their workforce. The data from the survey provides the Australian government and state and territory governments with a strategic monitor over time of employer use of the VET system and how relevant the system is to training their workforce.
Survey participation
Although participating in the survey is voluntary, to get a clear picture of the ways Australian employers meet their skill needs, we need as many organisations to respond as possible. It is important that the results represent all employers, even if you didn’t provide any training to your staff. We are interested in why you don’t provide training so the Australian and state and territory governments can better meet the needs of ALL employers.
I don't want to participate
If you do not wish to participate, please telephone Wallis on 1800 113 444 from within Australia (free call).
The information collected
What information is collected
Your organisation name and contact details are provided to Wallis by illion, a commercial provider of data registries containing business names and details. Your organisation has been randomly selected. Wallis does not give your name or contact details to 同人H漫, only a de-identified data set of all the information collected. Wallis destroys your name and contact details at the conclusion of the survey.
Other information collected relates to engagement and satisfaction with the VET system, satisfaction with the training providers and basic organisational demographics.
Where your information is held
Wallis stores your personal information on secure servers located within Australia. After your de-identified information is provided by Wallis to 同人H漫, the data are also stored by 同人H漫 within Australia with appropriate levels of security.
Use and disclosure of the collected information
The main purposes for which data from the survey are disclosed and used are summarised below:
- To facilitate statistics and research relating to education;
- To understand how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
- To administer VET.
The data are disclosed for the above purposes to the following recipients and in the following manner.
- 同人H漫 publishes the data at the aggregate level and is publicly available for employers and industry to access.
- 同人H漫 discloses aggregate or de-identified unit record data to Commonwealth and state/territory government education and training departments.
- Commonwealth and state/territory government education and training departments may publish the data at the aggregate level.
Protection and management of your information
The Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, 同人H漫 and Wallis manage personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles introduced by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
Any person in the European Union (EU) who participates in this survey is considered to have opted in by their own choice, and should be aware that while 同人H漫 fully complies with the Australian Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles, including the Notifiable Data Breaches Act, which have similar requirements to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), may not at this time, comply with all GDPR requirements.
For more information on how your personal information is managed and protected, please refer to the Privacy Policies of the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, 同人H漫, and Wallis. The privacy policies ensure the information you provide is used only for the purpose intended.
Full details of each are displayed on the respective websites:
Further information
Who to contact
For general queries about the survey, please contact Wallis on 1800 113 444 from within Australia (free call).
If you have queries or complaints concerning your personal information, or wish to request access to or correction of your personal information, please contact Wallis at:
Level 2, 273 Camberwell Road
Camberwell, VIC 3124
Phone: 1800 113 444
Email: seuv@wallisgroup.com.au
Correction of your personal information can only be made while the survey is conducted as your name and contact details are destroyed once the survey is concluded.